
About project:

During the three-day workshops held in Krakow, Poland, the activities focused on promoting eco-life and sustainability in the local community, specifically by limiting food waste and planting trees to produce more oxygen for the environment and local ecosystem. The project collaborated with two NGO organizations that actively work for the community and environment: Food Bank in Krakow and Aeris Futuro.

Social inclusion -

3 Step project :


Step #1

Representatives from Food Bank and Aeris Futuro gave speeches on their aims and objectives. The Food Bank workers explained how they help the local community limit food waste and support people in need, especially the homeless. The Aeris Futuro workers described their areas of activity for the local environment, including educational projects and tree planting actions.  


Step #2

Students participating in the project actively cooperated with the NGOs and used the knowledge acquired during the lectures in practice. They planted trees in the area indicated by Aeris Futuro and collected food for the Food Bank according to the leads received during the lecture. 


Step #3

The project concluded with a plenary group evaluation linked to TOK. 
